Jan 23, 2006 16:21
24 hour plays were, of course, amazing.
My favorite part was rolling over the table. Definitely a highlight of the day. Kenon wrote a play, funny shit. That kid is nuts. PSN Yourmomwearscombatboots. "MY MOTHER MOST CERTAINLY DOES NOT WEAR COMBAT BOOTS!!!" After this crop of plays, I think it's all safe to say we fear for Nicks sanity. Jen was beach babe, Kimbo was supernatural voice from above.
I love how for the first couple hours, you're all psyched and having a great time and you can't wait to perform. Then everyone hits a low from around 11-2ish. Then then energy is back as it gets closer to showtime. Can we just omit those four hours in the middle?
Running around with some babes during our half hour break. We got sand in our eyes, mud on our feet, and watched the sun set. Then we ate the pudding cups the Derbas brought. "Did you know you have pudding in your ear?" Danielle and I bonded over art related topics. Much love, play casts. Much love. Fridays kicked butt. I snapped craploads of good pictures (comment if you want them.) The people at Fridays are so nice for putting up with us.
We should have had a snow day today. End of story.
The only thing worse than a Monday, is a Sunday.
Bao bay. <3