Exactly One Month...

Sep 18, 2007 03:00

As of the time stamp on this post, I've had my new kidney for almost exactly one month... its so weird... I still have to remind myself to drink water and fluids constantly. Of course that is to be expected after four and a half years of training myself to not drink anything almost ever.

My incision is completely healed, and my abdominal muscles are almost entirely healed, and in a week, I get to schedule a date to have my dialysis catheter removed for good.

Tomorrow morning I go in for a "surveillance biopsy" to make certain that my kidney isn't showing any signs of rejection, or any damage from the level of one of my immunosupressant drugs I'm on (ya, I have to take a higher dose of "Prograf" because of my body mass and metabolism, but at high doses it can cause kidney damage, which is reversible if caught early enough). Its an outpatient procedure done in an ultrasound suite by my doctor, and I'll have to take it easy for 24 hours, but then I'll be fine... cool, huh?

And once again I wanted to say thank you to all of my friends and my family for the tremendous amount of support I have received... I'd also like to state just how sad it makes me to realize how little a promise can actually mean to people... Several people I once considered very dear friends, who had made promises to to help out and to be available for me during this period of my life have not only failed to keep their word, but have been completely or almost completely silent, and I'm certain the were informed from the first few hours after I got the call... Just goes to show that you can rarely ever count on people when the chips are down, and that breaks my fucking heart.

To all of you who were there with a word of encouragement or a congratulations, and to those of you who were caught unawares and still threw in your positive vibes, my eternal thanks!


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