I suppose its time I update this thang, huh? I started a new job today, though I don't know that its going to work out... Aside from the fact that its only through December 16th, they can't give me a guarenteed schedule, which means I have to try to negotiate with Bugs mom about my days with her, or find a sitter and cough up green backs for services rendered. But WTF, it pays $10/hr, and I sit on my as answering the phone and get HUGE discounts... We shall see.
slapcat I finally got into my Dr's office and filled out the request for records, I should have them by the 2nd, so any evening after that you want to hook up I can pass them on to you.
Assuming its rightful owner remembers to send for it this week, by the middle of Nov, I'll have a basically brand new sewing machine on long-term/permenant loan to me, which mean I can begin creating my wardrobe, and start making clothes and such to sell... YAY!!! and sewing machines owner is also going to purchase a rivet/grommet/snap die set and some leather tools for me, so I will be starting to make collars and the like as well... double YAY!!! income income income... YAY!!! no more poor me :-D
That is all!