LOL. I just watched this10-minute segment of Battle of the Network TV Stars or something on YouTube. It's some thingymabob from the '70s and my mom has just discovered the joy of watching stuff online. Anyway, if you were wondering about the post title...yeah.
On another note...I haven't even been submitting fic here. I think my journal itself is pretty much dead...if you want to see my writingages, you're better off going to Except right now it's not letting me sign in. Bleh.
The summer is being good to me, although this little voice keeps yelling "EXAM RESULTS!" and jolts me out of my relaxed haze. Too bad, because there's nothing I can do about it. So I drown the voice out by re-watching House and watching Back to the Future for the second time. I can't believe I've only seen the movies once. What the what.
Okay, anycaps...being on a deadline and being made to write based on prompts has allowed a sluggish flow of storyage to churn out of me and into
cuddy_fest, but I have a little while to do that. Meanwhile, I guess I'll just...get back to watching TV and ignoring all my fics.
Just kidding. I have a feeling I'm going to be writing TONS of Grey's stuff soon, after I finish my femslash ficathon stories. Boy, do I have some Callie/Sadie smut for you. Om nom.