Cheap Mascara [ 3/? ]

Jun 29, 2009 04:14

Title:  Cheap Mascara [3/?]
    [chapter name:  Without Words]
Fandom:  House, MD
Pairing:  Thirteen/Cuddy
Word Count: 
Rating:  T for language now, M in later chapters
Warning/spoilers:  Femslash, slight spoilers for the end of Season 4


Remy entered Princeton-Plainsboro quickly, keeping her gaze straight forward, aiming to get to the Diagnostics office without any distraction. Distraction being Cuddy, of course. Their conversation at the function the previous night had kept Remy up all night, visualizing scenarios. When she finally managed to fall asleep, she dreamt about Cuddy. She knew that now, in real life, seeing Cuddy would be inevitable as well, but she could at least try and avoid her as much as possible.

Remy also dreaded seeing a certain someone else, but seeing as he was her boss, that was even more inevitable than seeing Cuddy. She opened the glass door to their office, trying to appear as normal as she could.

Scratch that.

Kutner, Taub and Foreman were nowhere to be seen, while House and Cuddy stood in the middle of the room discussing something animatedly. Remy was a little confused. She’d purposely come to work early, which explained the absence of her colleagues, but what about House? He was never earlier than any of them. Then again, he had new ammunition against Cuddy, so he probably wanted to get to work earlier to torture her (and me as well, she mused).

“Woman of the moment!” House called in a sports-announcer voice as he noticed Remy. Cuddy turned around. Remy didn’t look her in the eye; that would just end in disaster. She moved to the table to put her things down. As steadily as she could in the presence of Cuddy, she asked, “Do we have a case? I assume that’s why Dr. Cuddy’s here.”


“-No, you don’t have a case,” Cuddy replied, cutting House off. “I was just here so that Dr. House could-“

“-talk her into having sex with you,” House finished triumphantly.

Remy looked up at him with what she hoped was the right mixture of skepticism and blankness. “Why would you do that?”


“Why would you do that?”

Rem-Doctor Hadley-said it while looking at House with a look of complete disbelief, as if having sex with Lisa would be incomprehensibly terrible, even if she were the last person left on earth. It made her want to dig a very deep hole and jump down it, hopefully dying, or at least breaking her spine, in the process.

There was a silence. Then, “Damn it!” If House had been able to, he probably would have started jumping up and down, literally ‘hopping mad’. “Jeez, I was so sure. Well, does that mean you want to sleep with me now, Cuddy?”

“Shut up, House,” Lisa sighed. She turned wearily and left House’s office. Back to fantasizing, she thought as she slowly made her way to the elevators. As she entered and turned around to push the button for the ground floor, she realized that Hadley had followed her.

Lisa glanced at her, then directed her gaze to the floor. She heard the other doctor take a deep breath. “You really do only want to be with me, don’t you?” she asked.

Lisa looked up and opened her mouth, then closed it, unsure of what to say. What does anyone say in a situation like this? She could at least give some indication of whether she likes me back. But…she followed me. That’s a good sign.

Finally, she nodded jerkily, then bit her lip and looked at the floor again. From the corner of her eye, she saw a smile appear on Hadley’s face. She looked up. A wordless message passed between them.

Remy pushed the ‘stop’ button.

Yes, Remy.

pairing: thirteen/cuddy, fanfic, chapter fic, fandom: house md

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