Apr 03, 2005 23:08
Damn it. I really wish I had more complete memories of all the trips I've taken overseas. I'm working on the fourth and final essay for my Intro. to Personal Essay class and it's really difficult for some reason. Maybe I just haven't been typing long enough. I'm impatient tonight though because I put off all my homework, and it's no small amount, well it's not huge but I'd like to be farther in my research for a important presentation I have on Tuesday, and I hate that I have to sit here, stare at the screen, and try and pull up scattered memeories of a trip I took several years ago. Sharp memories are things that I have few of, I just didn't pay atttention when I was younger; the momentum, the weight, of being in places that are historical and beautiful just wasn't apprent. So now I struggle. Oh the eternal struggle.