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Aug 22, 2006 08:26

summer has come to an end. as of NOW. My first class starts in an hour and a 1/2 and I'm wishin I was vacationing, or working or SOMETHING. I haven't had school since MAY...I have forgotten what school is like!!

Anyway, my friend Jonathan is an actor/producer and is doing this new film called Blades of Glory, starring Will Farrel and Jon Heder (Napolian Dynamite) so he invited me to the set yesterday. It was cool - I got to be an extra and I talked to the guys's stunt doubles, and eat the SAG food and got to watch them film a lot of it - upclose. It's on an ice skating rink - so I didn't get to MEET Will and Jon, but I wassss standing next to Jon, whom my cousin that I brought with me IDOLIZES, and she was too shy to ask him for a picture. Will Farrel was walkin next to us too...it was fun. and Jonathan is WAYYY cute too...he walked us back to my car and we boxed and danced haha...

I booked the cruise!! I am SOO excited...for my birthday this year - 10 of us are going on a cruise to Mexico...Just those weekend ones that I usually do, which are just soo much fun - and I've NEVER gone with JUST friends...so this is gunne be crazy, cause there's a lot of us!

GOOD LUCK WITH SCHOOL, WORK, PLAY, or however everyone else is starting there new paths at this time... as for me? school starts today - gettin my AA in DEC and MOVIN!!

I'm gettin a haircut today too =)
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