Okay, I can't!!! I've got 10 lit/journal reviews due Friday ---- and I've finished approximately... ZERO! *victory pose* Oh wait, too early. XD Well, I've got my articles all chosen at least. *fails* Okay, Tina! Here's the game plan!!! Tomorrow, I WILL go to the theatres and watch The Soloist. I will come home, satisfied! Then I will work on my articles like I'm on freakin' crack!!! *victory pose 2* YOUSHI! (^_~)v WHOA! YEAH! GO ME! 3 days should be more than enough to get in 10 reviews. They're only like 1 page each... roughly 3 pages a day, I can do that in my sleep! XD
Okay, okay, okay! So... what else?! IT'S MAY! So freakin' fast. I just got a stack of paperwork from the School of Education. Lots of paperwork to fill out and lots of fees to pay. *sobs* Got other school stuff... group project... deadlines to beat. Whooo!! No problem! Like seriously, the deadlines are gonna get closer and closer, then I'm gonna like WHOAAAAA, CRAP! But then the day after the deadlines I'm totally gonna be like CHYEH! Not a problem! Then I'd totally strike another victory pose. XD Anyway, no need to stress out. At least not too much anyways. The pinch of stress will be good - it'd make me get my stuff done but after I go to the movies.
RAWR! I still haven't tried my music and the eyeball experiment yet. XD I should, I should! This weekend! Yeah, I'll do that this weekend after I get my massive collection of lit reviews turned in. That is a plan! Yeah!!!
Alright, let's shoot out those blessings. :D
01 The journal reviews are due Friday....
NOT Wednesday as I had previously thought. I really should read the syllabus more carefully... or get a calendar. XD
02 2nd hand stuff sellers.
Seriously, dudes! Like, especially the Amazon.com Marketplace... that's saved me a zillion dollars on books!!! And occasionally DVDs. I love it. XD
03 I made Orange cake yesterday and it's yum!
I couldn't find the recipe that I used last time... so I just kinda went w. instinct. Granted, it wasn't that hard in the first place. But yeah, my cake is moist and yummy and nearly all gone. XD
**Whoa, anyone notice that @ the end of all my blessings comments I've used the XD face?! XP**
*taps chin*
(Yeah, I'm actually doing it -- usually when I put stuff in asterisks, I'm really performing the actions. XD)
Uuuuuum, yeah. *sigh* I guess that's all I've got for the night. XD So TA!! I'm actually kinda sleepy. XD
P.S. Laur, I just saw your post!! *gives you juice and cookies and Ken music* GET BETTER!!!