ethnocentricity... rawr

Nov 02, 2008 17:48

Like usual, I was preparing to start up my video game -- of course, to do so, I need to turn on the television... Well, FOX news *barf* was doing a story on getting young boys to read & Scholastic. Scholastic has been producing books which are nonfictional in nature but "fun" to read. Well, one of their series is "Evils of History" or whatever... and to quote the correspondent, "We are teaching history but we make it interesting by making it like a journal... in the eyes of the most evil people to ever walk this earth"... UGH!!! And then they showed Genghis Khan. DOUBLE UGH!! Granted, he was a warlord -- but I love how, in the western world, have this image of "evil" being "barbaric, big and fang bearing" and usually not Anglo-Saxon. Yes, apparently Genghis Khan had fangs and was built like a tree... according to Scholastic. *facepalm* If I were to publish under the Evils series I'd have the likes of Columbus, the British Monarch, and George W. Bush up there. t(-_-)t Anyways! That clippet of them showing their "Evils of History" books totally bugged the hell out of me...

Speaking of Genghis Khan, has anybody seen the new movie MONGOL? The one with the uber awesome!! <3 Asano Tadanobu as Genghis...


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