it's disgusting. xP!!! i'm now just currently flattening out some posters so they can go up on the wall! ^^;; it's a tad scary... but i went on this cleaning rampage today. that very *rarely* happens, but it did. i can see my floor now! so pretty!!! *pats carpet* and i finally put up my Cloud and Kenshin wallscrolls up! time to go get some more @ Unique Imports... or new toys! xP
anyways... to the xmas song of the day (also, if you check back in my comments section from yesterday's post, there are a couple of B'z songs there too! just too lazy to repost them here. xP)
19 December 2007 :: song 19 ::
NIGHTMARE, Akahana no tonaki (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer) also, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to
michan_muchi &
milk_star!!!!! ^___^
and and and, new LARUKU single!!! released in Spring whooo hooooo!!!