Feb 06, 2007 20:48

Oh man, you guys so completely rock beyond my ability to textually render it.

But! I will try. Soon. Swear. God.

I feel TERRIBLE for not having gotten to reading/viewing/commenting on most of the things here so this post is me checking in real quick to let you know that I WILL. Life just kicked up a whole mess of crap at me recently - work has been CRAZY busy and I do most of my LJing during working hours so when I'm busy with, ya know, ACTUAL WORK I tend to have less LJ time, overall and Boy's parents were in town last weekend and MY father (ugh) was in town THIS past weekend and all this means I'm just barely awake enough to keep my eyes open by the time I get some time to myself at the end of the day. You get the idea.

So my blanket interim thanks go out to each and every one of you, along with assurances that if it takes me the rest of forever, I will be individually thanking and praising you later.

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