Now, I know we all probably consider ourselves pretty knowledgeable about how contraceptives work, but get ready to get schooled:
Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate The article itself is hilarious and reads like an Onion piece (the author takes the yearly cost of oral contraception and divides it by days per year to determine how many times a day these filthy whores on the pill must be having sex), but the comment thread is just one gem after another. Their comments read like liberal mockery of conservative arguments ("COMMUNIST HORES!!1!1!"), and it is painfully clear that none of these people has ever had any opportunity to have sex with a real live consenting human woman--they seriously don't have the faintest idea how it works.
If they bought condoms at $1.00 each they would have sex almost 3 times a day. When do they do there school work or is this really a school teaching them how to screw the American public out of Money! Liberal whore's must abound.
Liberal crybaby Puta(Spanish) for your title! Do like we did get a job and pay your own way through school and then you will find out how much work and effort it takes and you will not have the time to lay around and be banging those bad boys that you have just splattered! Go buy yourself a Toy and wear it all day maybe that will keep you satisfied enough until you get finished with school then go work the streets if need be! But stop being a big silver spoon in your mouth cry baby! Grow the hell up will you and be responsible for yourself instead of wanting everyone else to take care of you!
Apparently ash we know what is Hard about what she is studying the most! She has never met an erection she could pass up obviously!LOL
Man are you serious they do not have time for sleep. Just round the clock sex! Bang!,Bang!,Bang!, that is their credo and labedo!
These kids do not need any porno films for they are too busy making thier own porno activities. Hey, Do you think the liberal professors are giving extra credits for the extracurriculum porno activities!?
This is what we called dirty-legged sluts. What's the problem. She can go stand on a street corner and do the same thing at $20.00 a trick. That should cover her expenses.
I hope the stupid bimbo who just went on national television to declare to the world "I'm a sex-crazed nympho-whore who thinks you should pay for my sex" doesn't expect to ever find a job....You Tube is a wonderful thing..
I wonder if she's willing to give sex to the millions of men who are virgins? If the answer is no then why should those men pay her to have sex with other men?
These people have their finger on the pulse of America.