Title: The great Sufferings of Hemingway W.
belle_lestrangePairing: Peterick
Rating: NC-17
Summary:"Did he try to put you in a cat costume again?" Patrick scratched Hemingway sympathetically behind the ears. The silence was suddenly interrupted by the sound of heels on hardwood floor, causing Hemmy to sigh deeply and doing what was undoubtedly the dog version of a frown.
Beta: the always awesome
jackieville. All remaining mistakes are my own
Disclaimer: Not real and never happened.
Warnings: Crossdressing
A/N: written for
ribbonsonwrists because she wrote a very very awesome fic :3 and then prompted me. for
cieluna because she's my awesome ninja!twin and because we invented the category of fail!p0rn lol and for
jackieville because she is the most awesome person ever and manages to motivate and cheer me up at all times *hugs*
He didn't have to wait for too long before Pete marched in, positioning himself in front of the TV, hands on his hips.