Premonitions of Death + Tom Yum Gong

Aug 18, 2004 17:41

While speaking to one of my favorite patients today, I got this weird overpowering feeling of doom while looking at her. It's rather hard to explain really. Some times I can just spot the ones who are about to die. It's this distant look in their eyes. When I touched her hand I just knew that it would probably be the last time I'd see her. I tried to act "normal" with her but I ended up running to the lab and hovering in a corner prior to vomiting up my granola bar.

Speaking of food, I talked my staff into living on the wild side and ordering Thai food with me today. Some of the girls never had it before, but they reluctantly ordered upon my recommendation. The odd thing is that every one of them ended up with raging cases of diarrhea afterwards. So now I appear to be even more of an evil voodoo priestess than before.


::grumblegrumble:: *gnaw on Robitussin bottle*

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