Dec 16, 2014 22:17
I'm like 3 years away from Inquisition at this rate.
So I'm finally onto the next segment of this game. I had some kind of fatigue or something, and I will say that there are points where I still doze off (choosing weapons and selling and making) not for long but I just have to shut my eyes.
I imported my character, even though I originally I wasn't crazy about her. So still a city elf but now I'm Commander, so I feel a bit better, anyway. Also satisfying to be called "Commander" again. My heart will always be with my Shepard.
Here's some notes directly as written:
Who's this chick?She's pretty hot with all her adeptness at fighting.
OK, snarky mage I got your number. But yeah I'm down. Anders. Is he going to try to seDers me? heh heh... who will get that ref.
Weirdly happy to see Ohgren again. He's such an endearing asshole.
Really? We're just going to kill the talking Darkspawn? Why don't we capture it!? You guys??
Aw fuck she died.I knew all 3 wouldn't survive.Law of Story averages.But I liked her. Maihri? She wasn't around long enough for me to remember, but sheesh man.
I've actually progressed since those notes. I have to remember to keep taking them, but I also don't want to waste any more time writing... so much reading and choosing that takes forever.*
here's what's been going on.
-Oghren kept dying immediately, even with healer mage dude, but he seems to be doing better now... I fooled around with the tact slots which I still hate doing. I just suck at it. At least now he doesn't have 3 things activated at once, I think that's been helping.
-Also more runes, the runecrafting is pretty cool, although also tedious.
-Hey can you layer like a poison on top of,say, a fire rune'ed blade? Asking for a friend. heh, just kidding it's ME! I just don't know if things like that cancel each other out.
-Been to Amaranthine and now in the Wended Wood and FINALLY picked up another team member... That might also be why Oghren is surviving a bit more. Actually, he was really doing better before we got that chick.
- does anyone do the whole switching arms thing? I don't have an archer and also I just didn't like any of the other choices in my skills stuff so I thought I'd get some archer tactics... I'm just not great at ranged fighting. And if I have 2 mages which I do atm, then another ranged person would be dumb. But I could sneak up and then arrow them!
- I have never used Steal. I'm really going to try harder. But my character's just not a stealy person and they haven't been so down and out that she felt pressed to.
*only because my brother goes to sleep hella early now,I only have a couple of hours a night to make any progress. Because of that I think I have been kinda not into playing. But I am focussing. It's winter and all I want to do is stay inside. I just want to have some epic days of battling the forces of evil and not just an hour and a half of selling stuff and buying stuff and then sleep.
dragon age