OK, I finally was able to finish the whole Werewolves thing, and I accidentally freed them, so I guess I'm stuck with the Dalish. OK I didn't accidentally free them, I just thought it was the right thing to do. But I guess I could have gone back and killed all the Dalish instead.
Also I have Dalish armor, which I hate because it leaves my midriff totally exposed but it has +1 dexterity... And I just haven't found anything better. I got some heavier armor but I'm unsure with the whole fatigue thing.
Then I went back to Ostagar because it's been throbbing. Actually that place, Shale's place and Soldier's peak are all pulsing. I went to Soldier's Peak and the list says I have one more piece of history to understand about it, but I ran the crap around that place and talked to everyone I could and no pieces did I find.
So I went to Ostagar and that was interesting. I think I found everything but Cailen's sword. I may have made Alistair put all Cailen's armor on... is that icky? Whatever, he wasn't in it long.... and We burned the guy. He deserved it. I mean, he deserved it more than being eaten by wolves. or given to the darkspawn.
I have been using the internet a lot more, because of stuff like the "tower of ishal" barricaded door? And the internet said "shrug" so what's up with that?
Things that I don't understand how to work: Steal, stealth, traps
what does one steal? When? I don't get it.
When the heck does one use stealth? is it because it's such a low level right now that I just immediately get detected? And don't I have to fight all those guys anyway? So I might as well just blunder in like I usually do.
Do you throw traps during a fight? do you set them first before you go in? Is that a stealth thing? Shit.
Should I give detect animals to anyone?
When is the best time to administer the balms and salves? I usually figure out after I've died already once that they're going to blow us up with fire, but can you tell initially what kinds of things to defend against? I mean if we all get blown back by a fire bomb type thing then I know we all need to fortify against that. But I never know? I should probably look up what kind of damage each type of monster we come up against does... hunh?
Did have a really cool animation of me jumping on a giant troll thing and stabbing it in the neck. I wish I could have rewound that and watched it again.
Also I was playing around with the whole feastday stuff, but if you only give the gifts and not the pranks, then they like, love you.... right?
I have got my ipod by my side at this point because I realize that there's like tons of shit I'm probably missing.
It did explain to me how to kill that... uh... arcane horror? (I can't recall if that's the name) the dude that if you get close jumps around all over the place?
Apparently ranged weapons are best so I switched a couple of team members and gave them all bows and that actually worked out fine.
Sorry this is all over the place. I finished the werewolves and Ostagar, as far as I can tell except for the sword...
And I went back to the docks, explored everything there and got over to the tower and met Wynne (again? I do not remember her) and that's where I'm at. Just about to go kill the hell out of stuff. Should I bring morrigan on that? should I have 2 mages?
In other gaming news: at my older brother's house I watched him play Assassin's Creed Black Flag which I LOVED (aside that I can't be a girl) because I love the water! I love SHIPS!!! I love and sing sea chanties! And I knew some of the ones they had on there. I also loved the "parkour" aspect and I imagine that mirror's edge must have been part of that pioneering teckmology.
While I was there, I also started Fallout 3 which I also really liked, although I don't much care for the first person style. (My mirror neurons work better if I can connect with a person in third. One big complaint I had with Mirror's Edge. For Oculus Rift, yes. Otherwise, meh.) But I really liked it! A lot.Got to Megaton and I'm a big fan of broken down old walkways and decrepit buildings. That works for me. Urban decay! Not even urban! Modern! whatever! ____
OK, I leave you with these: Aurelia, looking innocently worried. Did not realize she would never change expression. I would love to see her angry. Also did not realize that face tats were for Dalish elves so....whoops. I basically made a Dalish City Elf.
Also I feel that I've been hacked. So if you see a sentence that makes no sense, it's not me. seriously. Going to change my password now.