Smug Git: Tennant/Simm, G

Sep 28, 2007 10:32

I'm not sure how I ended up doing this, but...

Evil RPS. Run away now if you do not like this sort of thing. However, it is COMPLETELY WORKSAFE and innocent.

So this fits in with some stuff that snowgrouse and I have talked about, where they are teens, and David is on holiday to Blackpool, and they meet by chance. So this is obviously in one of those old photo booths. I wonder why David is looking so smug... (Actually, I know why, but *coughunderagecough*.)

Also, I totally stole the format of this post from snowgrouse, who told me what parts were shit and why, and for that I am ever so greatful. However, she's a right bitch for influencing me to do this. Wanker.

Preview/icon, you may yoink with credit:

Could also be current-actors-as Theta/Koschei yearbook photo, yes? Ngh.

Crossposted to dw_rpf.

pics, david tennant, rps

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