What timing... I was gonna post this 20 minutes ago but got distracted by the TV.
And look! A Doctor/Jip!Simm!Master video appears! :D
Haven't watched it yet tho because my computer has no sound. :(
Oh and hello. Am new.
EDIT: Animated version added
And so the AU story goes that the Master has de-aged, gone back in time and taken a job in a department store to hump in the aisles with random strangers just for kicks (where's the logic? don't ask).
In comes the Doctor looking for a new pair of Converse and asks the salesboi for some help. Salesboi!Master isn't really there to help anyone and doesn't realise who he's talking to so he tells the customer to fuck off.
Doctor being annoyed/horny/bored decides to fuck the salesboi instead... and I'm really bad at writing situations I just wanted to make the image :P