I just want to believe, I just want to believe in us.

Mar 25, 2005 10:14

mmmm spring is starting to look good...

i wish that it would just stop snowing, because unobviously, spring has started and the weather shouldnt be this crap like. spring should be superb, because that means that summer will be approaching shortly. summer is super not.

i'm so excited now that i've got this english paper under my belt. after waking up at 3:30 am and finishing the 9 pages that i had left, i think this weekend is a deserving break. this also means that there will be no more hardcore projects left. aka - projects for me to procrastinate. i think i do my best work under pressure, thank god for delayed openings though, a welcome two extra hours.

i got accepted into boston university last night, and received an incredible amount of financial aid. got lucky i guess, because a 40,000 tuition for a non ivy school is just ridiculous. but this works out nicely for me, because no matter what happens on april 1st-4th, i will not end up going to rutgers, like i once feared.

i had an incredible day yesterday. went prom dress/regular shopping with rebecca, and found two gorgeous dresses. i think im gonna stick with a color sheme of green. i haven't purcashed any yet, cuz im hoping that my semi-dedication to exercising will pay off. crossing my fingers that they are not gone when i go to check next time. then, after a few words with my parents, i went out on the town with marianne and rebecca. no destination in particular, so we ended up wasting gas and going to carvel, yes that ice cream place, in the middle of the evening in 20 degree weather, and random other places, ie 7-11. we probably looked like a bunch of creeps, but we are, so its all good. i dont think i've heard any more insults and racial slurs in my whole life. hahahah goooood times. then afterward, went to play pool with a certain gangtahhh, it was tied until i lost. not bad for my second time playing, incredibly terrible for him and his 2314235 time playing. sadly afterward, no magic under the stars, ;).

unfortunately, tonight i have to work, but i get to go to the gym right now, with two really hot guys, so it works out nicely...
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