Oct 03, 2005 23:18
Well, today was okay I guess. School is good but I just have so much homework and I'm doing really good in all my classes except for aid/nutrition. I'm getting a 51% because the nahmninator is a friggen retarded dinosaur and everyone is failing that class. Don't you think that if 25 girls are all failing the same exact class that would tell her something??! DUH. Whatever. I also got nominated for the National Honors Society which is great but I have to fill out all these forms and applications and stuff and write an essay and I just don't think I have time. And I doubt I'll make it in because guess who runs it?!!...the Nahmninator!! God, I can't believe I was even nominated...she hates me. I'm so busy.....ahhhhhhhh. I'm so worried that I'm going to become one of those geeks that has no time for a life. I won't let it happen to me. EVER. Anyways, so tonight Alicia and I went to J.A. And our friends Robyn, Molly, Julie, and Melissa all came. And omg Melissa Gamma was there...with her really wierd boyfriend that was wearing a colorful beaded bracelet that said, "I ♥ Melissa" and she wore one that said, "I ♥ Matt". Ha, ha. Wow. I think I might run for an office in J.A. so I can get paid and stuff. I'm scared though. haha
Sorry, I just liked bitched about everything. I'm not usually like this.
I'm not sure if I feel overwhelmed or accomplised....