This time around I gave the floor to my cousin Ashley. Will I ever do it again? I just don't know.
Ashley is by far the strangest of my 23 cousins...
Sometimes she's great- sometimes she's the biggest bitch in the world.
But she's always entertaining.
I'm a Slob only because I spill food and drink on myself all the time.
I pretend I am a Neat Freak, but I'm really not.
I tend to break things and drop things.
I don't know how to dance but I do it anyways. In Private.
If I have a drink or 6 I will get down to "Beat It" like you've never seen.
All my friends are getting married. I'm not.
I'm an Aggressive driver.
I'm also a bad driver but tell myself I'm Really Great.
I don't like when I meet other girls named Ashley.
I have a foil ball. Don't ask why.
I take lots of Vitamins. And drink lots of Water.
I don't like it when people smell like laundry detergent.
I jog now. Only because i like my 1970s looking jogging outfit.
I have about 150 books. I think I've only read 4 of them.
My biggest Fear is death. I don't even believe in it.
Thinking about winter-time makes me Depressed.
I just saw the Breakfast Club for the first time.
I don't trust Boys in Bands.
I like Boys in Bands.
I like to Prank call my 93 year old grandmother.
My family thinks I'm Crazy.
I floss now. Only because Dr. Lomingino told me I'm 21 and I should.
One of my favorite words is Poop.
One time, Mary Q and I spent endless hours trying to teach ourselves to Break Dance.
I thought Michael Jackson was Innocent this time.
I ♥ goats cheese and grasshoppers.
I think Vanilla Ice cream is Boring.
A White t-shirt and a pair of jeans make the Perfect Outfit.
Someday I will meet my japanese penpal NATSUMI YAMAZAKI!
-it's not Dorky to have a penpal @ age 21, its Cool. you just don't know that yet.