poem to professor t. of bio 101

Oct 19, 2009 11:14

biology is hard.
excel graphs confuse.
but these are some things
i must learn to use.
i couldnt say why
cause i really cant tell
why bard college makes a film major
disappear in science hell.
my gpa was once fine
i considered grad school
but with lab reports like these
nyu wont think im cool.
so i ask to the gods
of academia and beyond
why, oh why must an artist like me
test the genetics of zebrafish from a pond!
ill never understand
why metabolism varies.
just let me put it to film
and blame it on faries!
you can have the job of
falling in love with the lab
but let me entertain you,
because i find this reality a drag.
i dont want to insult
twenty years of your study.
so let me out of this class
and i'll make a movie, buddy!
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