Jan 09, 2011 10:57
A couple nights ago I had a dream I was walking with my niece, Ashley, to a construction site to take pictures of the people there. I don't know why I'd do something stupid like that. Robert Downy Jr. was there, but I didn't want to take pictures of him, I wanted to take pictures of this plumpy construction worker. The plumpy guy was even posing for me. He kind of reminded me of Larry from 'I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry.' Hm. Come to think of it, I think that was him.
RDJ wanted my attention, so he got it, of course. Ash went somewhere, I don't know where, then Ann said that she wanted to go to bed instead of talk with RDJ. I thought something was wrong with her; She wouldn't go to sleep while RDJ's standing there. That seems to happen a lot in my dreams, though, Ann wants to go to sleep while things are going on.
She fell asleep outside, on her bed, which was outside. She didn't even cover her self up so we could see that she was wearing my Iron Man pjs. I told RDJ those were mine. He wanted a piece of them so he walked up to my sister while he was sleep and started ripping a part of my pjs off her. That's easily done, because there's a small hole in the back of them. All you have to do is stick your finger in and pull, which he did, and I LET him. WHY would I do that? That's probably the most creepiest thing he could've done, but I was totally cool with it. Poor Ann was being molested and I was like "8B RDJ" -rolls eyes-
Then I read a BSSSSST noise, which in a previous was an alien space craft landing near by, so I started flipping out. I forgot completely about RDJ, grabbed my sisters blankets and hid under them. I think I started crying here because I heard things coming out of the craft. Haha, I wouldn't cry. I stayed under those blankets, scared until I woke up.
iron man pjs,
chuck and larry,