Sep 16, 2006 13:14
When we moved to this house in 1999, we had one cat named Peachfuzz and he got out one day and was eventually found in the neighbor's window well after winter was over.. petrified.. like all hard and dead.. so eventually we got two new kitties, a mom and a kitten.. but I never met the kitten cause it died at the vet.. so we named the mom, Miss Jingles.. several years later.. this cat named Rosie is always chillin' next to the house my mom is trying to sell and we end up adopting it.. 2 summers ago I almost ran over a kitten and I rescued it and claimed it as my own.. Smiley.. so we have 3 cats.
This kitten has been hanging around the front porch and it looked all skinny and hungry, so i fed it, and my mom said, now we'll never get rid of it, and I said.. I don't think we could handle 4 cats.. and I came home from work last night.. and I'm on the phone.. and I hear someone drinking out of Smiley's bowl.. but Smiley is sitting next to me.. it's the kitten!! I was like WHAT? did it come in when someone had the door open.. so I go downstairs and I'm like "MOM, the kitten is in the house!!!" she's like "it is?!" and then she goes, "It was raining, I couldn't leave it out there" and I'm like, "You're crazy, you're crazy!!" and then she's like, should i put it back outside? and I was like, no, it's too late, you already let it in.
However, it is really weird that she let it in the house without taking it to the vet first, not a typical mom move.. Smiley was so small that I was able to keep her in a box before i took her to the vet.. and the vet didn't even do anything when I took her cause he said she was too small, but he said she looked fine.. this kitty isn't as small as Smiley was when I found her.. but she is pretty small. I think we decided on "Cutie" even though I wanted to name it Jupiter.
Point of the story: Smiley is PISSED. She won't even let me pet her. It's like she is scared of the kitten to, it jumped up on my bed and Smiley ran downstairs.. she probably won't even eat out of her bowls now because the kitten did. We'll see. I feel bad, I'd kind of like to give the kitten away, I don't want Smiley to get all depressed.
Anybody want a kitten?? It is calico colored.. white with black and orange/peach