Dec 07, 2007 16:13
[One] Who was your last text from?
* My colleague
[Two] Where was your default picture
* Wah... lemme think.. hmm... very long ago leh.
[Three ] What's your FULL name?
[Four ] Your current status?
* Busy.
[Fi ve] What is your current mood?
* Boooooorrrrreeeeeedddd
[Six] How old are you?
* TWENTY ONE YEARS OLD. I don't care. Stil got a few more days.
[Seven] If you could go back in time
and change something, would you?
* I don't know. Nothing sticks out.
[Eight] What's your favorite color/s?
* I don't know lah.
[Nine] Ever had a near death
* yesterday lor i play the game i had to run around a tank to avoid getting shot at. but end up i still die lah.
[Ten] Something you do a lot?
laugh lor.
[Eleven ] Who can you tell ANYTHING
* I don't know leh.
[Twe lve] Name someone with the same
birthday as you.
* I really don't know also leh.
[Thir teen] If you could have one
super power what would it be?
* eh.................................... make all my wishes come true!
[Fourte en] What's the first thing
you notice about the opposite sex?
* Body Odour and Personal Hygiene. Wahahahaha.
[Fiftee n] Favorite season?
* I don't know lah.
[Sixteen] Do you still watch kiddy
movies or tv shows?
* Eh what you mean by kiddyyy
[Seven teen] What are you eating or
drinking at the moment?
* Teh peng.
[Eig hteen] What language do you speak?
* Aiya. The usual lah.
[Ni neteen] Describe your life in one
* SAME SAME. One word but repeat two times. Can right? Wahaha.
[T wenty] Do you have any tattoos?
* Don't have leh.
[Twenty -one] Who was the last person
you hung out with?
* My PS3. Oh ya which reminds me I wanted to blog about getting a white PS3. Sooo nicee lei!
[Twenty- two] What are you thinking
about right now?
* Getting off work. Hehehe.
[Twe nty -three] What should you be
* Working lor.
[Twe nty-four] Who was the last
person that made you upset?
* Upset or sad? Upsad? Lalalalalalala.
[Twenty- five] What are you listening
* Christmas songs.
[Twe nty-six ] Do you like working in
the yard?
* What is yard.
[Twenty-se ven] Who is with you?
* My colleagues.
[Twent y- eight] Do you act different
around the person you like?
* Of course lah! I will speak soft soft eat slow slow walk small small steps laugh sweet sweet.
[Twent y-nine] What is your natural
hair color?
* Black color.
[Thirt y] Last time you were really
* When I found 40 cents in my bag to buy a can of Coke at the roadside at Litle India.