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Someone alerted me to the existence of these series of videos where a group of girls try to recreate the food in The Hunger Games, and I am DETERMINED to make Peeta's Cheese Buns for Saturday when we do our watch party for the Hawks. DETERMINED. Also then I can say I've eaten Peeta's cheese buns because I am twelve years old and very easily amused.
Then I want to try doing the District 11 bread because the ingredients for that look superawesome: poppy seeds, oatmeal, milk, sugar, honey, flax seeds, sunflower seeds... WANT.
I was also talking to someone about food from Game of Thrones and there's a blog/LJ/SOMETHING out there that has recipes from the book too, but those sound like they're better for autumn cooking anyway, and I want to try those too.
ETA: My coworker just gave me the bestest idea ever: A Capitol-themed Halloween party!
Things wot I want to try with it:
Lunch with Cinna Cupcakes on Fire - trolololol how the fuck do I make fondant?
Goose liver and puffy breadPasta in Green SauceCapitol pumpkin soupThis or
this version of the lamb stew with dried plums dish.
Well. Maybe not all at once. I definitely want to do the cupcakes, the pasta, the goose liver and puffy bread, but it probably should be more cocktail-y if it's a Halloween party and not as much meal-y. There's gotta be more colored drinks and shit too. ALSO.
Capitol Couture, that'll be FUN. If people don't want to dress up like Effie Trinket we can tell people to dress up in suits and slick back their hair and then we'll hand out a cutout of Seneca Crane's beard SO THERE.