Fic Rec: The House that Cedric Built

May 06, 2011 17:37

*waves* Been around commenting a bit, just not posting.

But I did want to post a rec, and I realize I am probably SO LATE with this, and I am pretty sure recs went around sometime last year when this first got posted, but I just read this last last week and you know how each ship in fandom has this epic story that more or less is the standard all stories written for the ship have to live up to? This is it. I think this is THE fic for Draco/Astoria.

Title: The House that Cedric Built
Author: annafugazzi
Rating: R
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Astoria
Category: 8th year fic, Romance/Drama
Summary: Draco didn't think there was much reason to hope for a better future. Asteria proved him wrong.

Recommendation: Two things first.

1) I did not like the idea of Astoria Greengrass at first. I always thought Draco would end up with Pansy. And while I was primarily a slasher, I was okay with that. When JKR first said Draco married someone called Astoria Greengrass, my first thought was "WHO THE FUCK WHY DID SHE DO THAT???" I was not happy.

2) But I felt like I had to make Draco/Astoria work in my personal canon, because it was now, in fact, canon. If you know me well, you know I'm pretty happy shipping characters that had a total of five mentions in the book. The reason behind that is probably because deep down, I am at heart a stickler for canon. Now that Book 7 and the epilogue have been released, I feel kind of compelled to keep stuff that I write within canon. I get a little bit more freedom writing about unimportant people like Terry Boot or Theodore Nott without feeling like I'm going way off course the actual events in the book or the interviews. And I also try to bridge JKR's inconsistencies. (There is an entire backstory in my mind about how Terry Boot could have been at Hogwarts in their 7th year despite being marked as a Muggleborn in JKR's notes, for example.)

So I wondered about D/A, and how they got together, and made up random stories in my head. I didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage, didn't like how the assumptions were less than favorable towards Astoria. I wondered how much like Pansy she would be, and because I'm a pretty big Draco fan, I wanted him to have a happy ending too.

Enter The House that Cedric Built. I stumbled onto it after coming up with an idea for a fic that I had titled "The House that Theodore Nott Built" which is probably why I started to read THTCB, and initially I thought I would just read it a bit and click out. It is a LONG story, and I never have any patience for anything more than 5,000 words. (Which is funny, because I'm well aware that my own stories recently have gone over that limit...)

But then I couldn't just put the story down. It is just so well-written, and compelling, and oh my god just one of those stories that you can see happening in canon, despite the fact that the trope used (8th year) might have elicited a scoff from me had I known that's what was going to happen.

IDK I just think, if you haven't yet, you should go and read it. :|


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