Mar 26, 2007 01:10
Gay Boy #1 starts gushing over a guy who looks like Brian Kinney, which starts off a conversation between me and Gay Boy #2 about the finer points of the second season, what happened to Brian and Justin in the end of season five (GB#2 had just bought it last year. I lost S5 last year when I lent it to a friend of a friend. :|), and the differences between the US and the UK series.
GB #2: So is the US version really more sexed up?
Evy: Hell yeah. Also, prettier boys. And UK has a much shorter season. And UK!Brian and UK!Michael end up together. UK!Justin takes UK!Brian's pseudo-throne as King of Sex, and UK!Ted dies the way he was going to in the US version.
GB #2: Should I still watch it?
Evy: Eh. If you like. Personally it's better if you see it before the US version, I think.
GB #1: I think I'd just like to buy the books.
GB #2: I can't find the books.
Evy: ...I have the books.
I then proceeded to give glowing recommendations of At Swim, Two Boys as well as promised to lend it to them while I shrugged over the other gei boi books I currently own as too young adult for their tastes, probably. GB #2 suggested sticking to the internet if one wants to read just gay pr0n and I snickered, and he knew it was because I knew which sites to go. Sprinkled in somewhere there, GB #1 asked if I had any more gei boi movies other than those I've lent him, and I told him yeah, but none that were small enough to burn onto a CD. (But certainly he didn't enjoy Another Gay Movie as much? Because really, it wasn't that good, although I do wish I could lend him Wilde because there is nothing prettier than Jude Law kissing another boy.)
Christ. I think I've just outgayed the gay. :|
putting on my slash goggles,