(no subject)

Nov 16, 2005 21:48

so pretty much the worst day ever.

1. first i make some spagetti and i'm walking to my computer, and then one of the cats runs right in front of me and the spagetti slides off the tray and flies all over the carpet. i then find out we have no carpet cleaner in the house so i have to go to the store and end up spending like $8 on some shit cause it was like the only one that takes pasta sauce out or whatever, so i'm working on that for what seems like forever and then i realize my sister is home which means im gonna be fuckin late for work.

2. so im in a huge rush to get out of the house cause im fuckin late, so i get in my car, gas it in reverse, and slam into my sisters car, cause i hadn't realized she parked right behind me, and with the cold weather, and old plasic on her car, the front bumper basicly shatters all over the place, and i'm just like.. fuck. so i call my dad, tell him what happened and shit and then book to work cause i'm late as fuck at this point.

3. i get to work and fuckin gary bitches at me about being late, and in my rush i forgot my ipod so i have to split the load in the back, by myself, in silence, i also forgot a sweatshirt so im freezing as well, becasue the area i split the load at is right by the truck docks, and cold air seeps in there like thats it's job.

4. i get out of work early because i want to get home and talk to my father about the car business, before he goes to bed, so i run out to my car to find my locks are frozen shut, so i'm standing out in the freezing cold for like 15 minutes, with no jacket trying to get the goddamn locks open, finally do that, start the car, and find that my tape deck is frozen as well, and so i can't play any music on my way home.

5. now i'm home and the stuff i put on the carpet didn't work all that well so i put more on there, and right now i'm letting it set in so that i can go back to scrubbing the hell out of it again.

hope your day was better.

also a little Q&A

Q: how do you know you're getting old?

A: when kids you used to babysit have myspace profiles.
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