Dear friends and family:
As you know, I'm looking for work. I'm trying to be a little creative in my job hunt, so I am offering friends and family a "reverse referral" reward. If you can get me in the door at your company, and I accept a position there, I will personally pay you $500.
Here's what I'm looking for:
· Full-time or contract work. (Not part-time.)
· Something in the San Diego area (Business travel and telecommute are also OK.)
· My specialty is advanced support and engineering of Microsoft Windows-based desktop for business. Suitable job descriptions will typically include the words "Desktop Engineer" or "Desktop Support III" (not I or II; I'm an experienced engineer, and I'm not looking for anything entry-level.) I am a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) but not yet a full MCSE. I have some experience managing staff and doing IT project management. Positions are a better match if they say "desktop" or "client." I'm not a strong match if the company is looking for heavy network or server engineering, and I also am not a developer.
How you can help me:
· You can deliver my resume to your manager, a hiring manager, or your HR department.
· You can direct me to a website where I can view open positions for your company.
· You can give me a personal reference if I apply or get an interview.
I'll admit this is an experiment. It may fall flat on its face, but I thought I'd try.
Oh yeah. It has to be a company that YOU work for. (Not "I heard company X is hiring...")
Here's a link to my resume and LinkedIn profile for your reference: E-mail me if you have any questions or want to help me with some leads!
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