Going back to analog in the digital age.

Nov 25, 2008 11:08

Dear Reader:

My lack of blog output via the intertubes this year has less to do with my time restrictions or sack of ideas.

I am simply bored with the format. LiveJournal. MySpace. Facebook. A blog by any other name is still about as boring and universal as a tribal tattoo or an ankh on your upper ankle. And since I have never been one to embrace the faceless community of online social networks (no matter how furiously you type, these folks are still strangers you have minimal chance of actually sitting down in a face-to-face with), I have had little to say in such forums. Call it virtual nesting. Call it digital apathy. Call it misanthropy for the communication age. I really don't care about blogs. Never really did, but lately it doesn't even register.

They are rather self-serving, and reading them is typically painful. Mostly they just seem to all resort to "woe-is-me" bitchfests about the complications of a modern life. My job sucks. My love life sucks. School is kicking my ass. My "Lost" fan fiction isn't being read anymore now that vampires are back in vogue. I am having serious doubts about how to describe myself honestly on Twitter. If I post my blog entries on YouTube will that get me a development deal? At best, a blog just disposable literature, with the emphasis on disposable. I just can't write that anymore.

With this one exception. I am sure my two readers will be appreciative.

So if you don't hear from me on (insert trademarked name of all current and future blogging sites here), it is because I have opted out. I have moved on. I am concentrating on my studies. I am creating harmony at my job. I am improving my relationship. I am getting my "Twilight" fan fiction together.

In short, I think I may have finally gotten a life. Or at least one that does not require me to type memos to strangers.

Sorry if this missive sounds snide. I just don't think anyone will be reading it. I am just not that interested in being interesting on the internet anymore.

Swimming in the lake of me,
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