Asking the important questions....

Nov 29, 2004 22:10

sluggirl: but we do have pirate vs. ninja conversations, which are better than majors.
frankendorfer: This is true
frankendorfer: There needs to be a battle royale, with pirates vs. ninjas vs. zombies vs. robots
frankendorfer: With clowns judging
sluggirl: I think that turns into zombie pirates vs. robot ninjas. It's the natural order of things.
frankendorfer: Zombie pirates!
frankendorfer: Man, that's too tough to cal
frankendorfer: Then Batman comes in and owns all their asses
sluggirl: Well... I think robot ninjas would be a little more durable. Zombies (even zombie pirates) are more squishy and breakable.
frankendorfer: Yeah, that's the conclusion my dad and I came to when we decided we'd only watch the Super Bowl if it were zombies vs. robots
sluggirl: EVEN THE NINJAS? They're, like, made of utility belts!
frankendorfer: Batman is a SAMURAI
frankendorfer: And he fought a lot of ninjas
frankendorfer: And beat them!
sluggirl: Not robot ninjas though.
frankendorfer: Because ninjas are evil
frankendorfer: Hmmm
frankendorfer: True
frankendorfer: He'd need Superman to help him
sluggirl: Ooh.
frankendorfer: begrudingly
sluggirl: How about Zombie Superman?
sluggirl: He's probably still way stronger than a robot.
frankendorfer: That would be awesome. And I think Bizarro comes closest to that
frankendorfer: Yeah, Zombie Superman would be unstoppable
frankendorfer: He'd be in control of the world in 20 minutes
sluggirl: Until pieces of him started falling off.
frankendorfer: I wonder if that would happen to him though
frankendorfer: Being Superman and all
sluggirl: It'd have to. That's what happens to zombies. It'd just take longer for him.
frankendorfer: Yeah, true
frankendorfer: Could he put himself back together with his heat vision?
sluggirl: I think that would just turn him into Barbecue Zombie Superman.
frankendorfer: Mmmmm..true
sluggirl: Tangy and delicious!
frankendorfer: But no one would be able to penetrate the delicious skin.
sluggirl: I wonder. What if it were Kryptonian zombieism?
frankendorfer: In what way does it differ?
sluggirl: Like, it would be able to penetrate his cells.
frankendorfer: Ohhh, hmmm
frankendorfer: Well, he seems to be immune to all other diseases, so I dunno if the zombie virus would get into him
frankendorfer: It's a highly unknown virus
sluggirl: Like, what if there was like purple kryptonite that made him a zombie?
frankendorfer: Hmm!
frankendorfer: That's a possiblity
sluggirl: And would it be reversable?
frankendorfer: I think Kryptonite radiation is probably the actual cause for any zombism in the DC Universe.
frankendorfer: It would, but unfortunately it would have to be removed with gold k, which would also strip him of his powers forever.
sluggirl: Oh the irony!
sluggirl: Oh wait. That's not irony.
frankendorfer: Alanis thinks it is
frankendorfer: Pre-Crisis Alanis
sluggirl: That's my favorite Alanis.
frankendorfer: Yeah. When she traveled to the Phantom Zone to fight the 60 foot Dave Coulier.
frankendorfer: He just kept yelling "CUT IT OOUUUUTTTT!"


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