Jun 11, 2006 16:35
it seriously feels so good to only have one week of school left. too bad i'm a totally miserable bitch. this vegetarian thing is starting to really make my body mad at me. I hate the thought of meat now, but i also hate beans and tofu. At the same time, I don't eat any junk, really, besides the occasional chocolate, and all my calories come from like bread and rice and cheese. the other day on the bus, out of nowhere i started shaking all crazily and my vision went all blurry and i had to call in sick from work, and recently i've just been intensely low energy and not being able to wake up in the morning and i've lost like 13 pounds in the last 2 months, eeeeeegh. plus it's turning me into a mega douche, always grumpy and pissed off. it's so bad, and i feel like i'm taking it out on kier especially and i'm just a bad girlfriend all around lately. I just want to have a personal chef who will constantly make me creamed spinach and curry rice and sweet potatoe fries and cheese stuffed tomatoes and pesto cheese ravioli, so that i'm happy and not grumpy and weak and frail and ugly. UGH, FUCK YOU NUTRITION!!!!!!