Works Cited
Armbruster, Michael. Personal interview. 29 November. 2004.
Banksy, Robin. Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall. London: Weapons of Mass Distraction 2002
Banksy, Robin. Existencilism. London: Weapons of Mass Distraction 2003
Chalfant, Henry. Prigoff, James. Spraycan Art. New York, New York: Thames and Hudson, reprinted 2002
Cooper, Martha. Chalfant, Henry. Subway Art. New York: An Owl book Henry Holt and Company 1984
Powers, Stephen. The art of getting over. New York: St. Martin’s Press 1999
Zephyr, Andrew. Dondi White Style Master General. New York:Regan Books Harper Collins 2001 Stowers, George “Graffiti art: An Essay Concerning The Recognition of Some Forms of Graffiti as Art
Hatterson, Simon. “Simon Hatterson meets Britain’s No 1 Graffiti Artist”,11710,999712,00.html