Just your info and you gotta promise that you'll hold to your date, won't discriminate based on size, color, gender, whatever, and that if the date's a jerk you won't hold Rescue Ink responsible.
No worries though, sugar, the person that's taking you on a date has a strict set of rules they gotta follow as well and the boys will be open the night of in case anything gets outta hand, you know?
It's a tight operation. I wouldn't be offering myself up if it wasn't.
I'm not worried; I mean, people KNOW who you're with. A guy would have to be a record-breaking moron to try shit. Probably a lot safer than most of the Real Dates I go on.
My name's Dawn Coyote, and once upon a time I went up a hill to fetch a pail of water with my homie, Jill. Massive headache later. Truly massive.
I'm a mechanic down in Harlem, recently returned from a triumphant European tour that ended in deportation when my visa expired. Funny, I didn't think they were made of milk.
Well, I coulda been a clerk or a janitor or something! I felt inspired to crow about my credentials. I really want that Mustang now ... It's even cranberry red fastback with white stripes.
Both of 'em sound absolutely heavenly!
yeah, darling, if you got a car and a body to show-whether they were yours or not you're more than welcome to come help out!
You've just gotta fill out a waiver and such.
No worries though, sugar, the person that's taking you on a date has a strict set of rules they gotta follow as well and the boys will be open the night of in case anything gets outta hand, you know?
It's a tight operation. I wouldn't be offering myself up if it wasn't.
It's damn right hep of you to be helping out, who're you?
I'm a mechanic down in Harlem, recently returned from a triumphant European tour that ended in deportation when my visa expired. Funny, I didn't think they were made of milk.
Pleasure to meet you, doll. I'm Monica Rae, your modern day cowgirl. I think I've seen your name round these things before.
I'd gathered the mechanic part when you were talking bout your guy's Mustang. Nice to see a girl that ain't afraid to get her hands dirty.
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