
Oct 26, 2006 14:50

The Strange Questions Survey

1. Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?
not licked it.. but like breathed on it so it fogged

2. Have you ever puked at a bar or club?
no way dude.. never drank at a bar or club

3. What's the largest age difference between yourself and a boyfriend/girlfriend?
2. something years

4. Have you ever smoked pot at a concert?

5. Have you ever dated/fooled around with a coworker?
coworkers brother.....

6. If so, how did that turn out?
well ... we dated 2 months.. then a year later we dated 2 months.. hes a douche bat

7. Ever been in a car wreck?
ya sucks

8. Were you popular in high school?
umm.... thats a no

9. Have you ever been on a blind date?

10. Are looks important?
to a degree....

11. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?
umm kinda

12. By what age would you like to be married?
.... umm relatively young.. like 22 or 23.. but really not untill im financiall stable enough to not live at home

13. Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?
depends...... i mean not really.... what im trying to say is it makes more of an impact if its like a whole bunch all in a short amount of time... you know

14. Have you ever sacrificed yourself so your friend can get in good with a person of the opposite sex?
umm... kinda.. no fun at all

15. Have you ever made a mistake?
well i am perfect so that deffinately a no.. fuck ya who hasnt fucktard

16. Are you a good tipper?
ya.. i feel bad for somereason.. like even 2 dollars on a 2 dollar bill doesnt seem enough

17. What's the most you have spent for a haircut?
cut? 20 with tip

18. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
nope.. tho boozer is a hottie

19. Do you know all the words to the first verse of Ice ice Baby?
i think so.. hahaha

20. Have you ever had crispy bangs?
whats crispy bangs.. prolly when i was lil

21. Have you ever singed off your eyelashes?
nope.. never... wow a shocker

22. What was the worst hairstyle of the 80's?
all of them.. duuuuuhhhhhhhh

23. Have you ever peed in public?
umm maybe once when i was little.. i cant think of anytime recently that i have...

24. What is the song you want played at your funeral?
umm i dont like this question

25. Would you tell your parents if you were gay
i guess if i was... maybe.. or prolly not since i like never see them so why upset them for no reason

26. What would your last meal be before getting executed?
like a little bit of everything i like.. some mexican.. delishious pasta, a little fast food.. sandwich from panera.. eat till i felt sick and keep eating since im just gonna die

27. Beatles or Stones?

28. If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would you choose?
someone really old who is dying of cancer so that way they could stop suffering

29. Beer, wine or hard liquor?
lately deffinately beer

30. Do you have any phobias?
ya.. .. i have a social phobia.. and phobia of death.. and being alone

31. What are your plans for the future?
umm be happy.. and be more happy

32. Do you walk around the house naked?

33. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?
if i drink it fast enought.. one and a half beers

34. Where is your best friend?
getting out of school.. or shes in gainesville. .with another bestfriend her fiance

35. Hair color you like on someone you're dating?
i really like aarons.. brown redish hair.. alot.. i like it alot alot

36. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
damn.... neither

37. Do you have any special talents?
i can do a hand stand longer than most... and i have a very limited gag reflex

38. Favorite hateful thing to do to someone?
do little things to piss them off...

39. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid?
i remember lil mermaid.. but seeing in theaters i dont know

40. What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?
my house.. i usually say hi to by dad and make my way to the couch and get on my computer or take a shower..... at aarons house i usually try to quietly get to aarons room unnoticed by his parents

41. Do you like horror or comedy?
im more a fan of comedy

42. Are you missing anyone?
ya.. which is lame i need to not be so attached.. like hard core...

43. If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you want to have sex with?
doi.. kellie

44. Where do you want to live when you are old?
here... or northcaroline.. which is weird.. i could really not live here and be ok with it

45. Who is the person you can count on most?
aaron.. for sure

46. If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?
this is gonna sound lame but i wouldnt date a celebraty i love aaron... had i not had aaron.. i would totally go for chad micheal murray

47. Angelina Jolie.

48. Favorite drinking game?
ring of fire

49. What did you dream last night?
i dont know what i dreamed...

50. What is your favorite sport to watch?
football or gymnastics or diving
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