My Little Andromeda is the best.

Jun 20, 2023 19:53

So easy to write when im upset. So hard when im not. Life rocks. Here is why.

Here is a little tale about how she went from being a person I know of, to a preson I never want to be without.

During the pandemic I had been chatting with Andromeda, at the time she went by Rayne. We met via a mutual aquantence. After I left Florida, she took over my room and started to pay rent. She follow those roommates to a different shared house.

But see, she was living with the same former house mates of mine and was having a lot of the same furstrations. We started to chat when she wanted to vent to someone that has been there. See if i had any advice. I pointed out that I left, so my advice was to leave. After a month or so I offered her a place to stay while she find an appartment. She never found one. :P

We found living together very easy. We just jived in so many ways.

Im pansexual and im not getting into it here but i don't want to live with any sexual partners and its not just a phase.  She is asexual and we are both polyamorous. We are also both open to new things, as long as we stay together. I can be with anyone I want as long as we talk about it (i kinda like telling her and seeing her smile and me smiling)  and she has other people she can enjoy her kinks with from her polycule, people i know and talk to. She is often open to talk about it with me, and i love hearing about it. Its just a lot of positivity all around.

Its so great being this happy. I had all these expectaions of what happiness would look like kept trying for that and failing. Now here I am living a life I love but never would have predicted was the perfit fit for me.

We both love Star Trek, Weed, Anime, DnD, Video games, good home cooking, and the biggest thing, we both love it to be dark all the time.

Here there be nerds. A fox and an android. In the dark. Roll for initiative!

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