Slowly dying inside.

Jul 24, 2017 11:58

I am very close to a breaking point.
The next time my uncle flips the fuck out and has one of his little temper tantrums I am going to need to put my foot down.
He acts this way towards me because I allow it. There are times where things seem okay, until someone wants something. Then I am treated more like an indentured servant. I have made 4 major requests for staying here long term. only one of which was met.

1.They like it at 83, i like it at 65f. I say keep the house at a reasonable temperature. I feel that 78f is fair. its not my ideal temperature, but im comprising way more than anyone else in that. Above 78f I start to sweat and feel uncomfortable. This is not a choice for me, I start to feel sick if I stay above that level for to long. This has been kept to most of the time after I said I was going to have to leave for a month to recover from the heat. It is normally kept at 78 but .. sometimes its not. What really bugs me is how everyone wants to lounge around in tank tops and shorts and bitch that its to cold.

2. 5 minute warnings. I am here for free, of my own free will, out of the kindness of my heart. On top of that I am paying for half the groceries. I asked that for anything that is not an emergency, to let me know 5 minutes in advance so I can finish up anything I am doing. This is kept to sometimes unless someone just doesn't feel like waiting.

3. Stay the fuck out of the kitchen when I am cooking. I really don't know how to make this clear. Not sure what it is about me using the kitchen that makes everyone want to be in it, getting in my way. This is almost never kept to. Just about every time I have cooked except maybe once or twice, if there is someone in the house, they come into the kitchen and get in the way. I have even said "if you need something just ask and ill get it for you". Which by the way, my uncle won't let anyone in the kitchen when he cooks or bitches if anyone does come in, so yay for hypocrisy. Speaking of Hypocrisy, number 4.

4. Personal space. I have none and nobody really gives a shit. Yes I can use the desk in my mom's room to have a bit of "alone-ish" time, which just like the AC, i only got when I said I was leaving. But its not private or personal, just a bit more isolated. My uncle got really mad when I asked if he would swap out sleeping on the couch with me every week like "how dare you put a price on your mothers health" well.. he can say what he wants but actions speak louder than words and he refuses to give up the room, so fuck him and his "it's no big deal". I am here, while I work my 40 hour a week job, and still help my mom while I work and get no true private space. Which I would not mind as much if I wasn't the only person that didn't have a room.


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