Essay for Rose

Mar 26, 2009 07:07

The television show that i think most influenced society today is Galaxy Quest. The original show was created in the late nineteen sixties but the concepts it covered are relevant today.

Racial issues, mindless tyranny, the control of machines were all things covered by the show. This is not to say that there were not fun and games, there were plenty of throw-away episodes which mainly focused on the captain finding someone to snuggle with. But mainly the show used it’s futuristic nature to show the thought-provoking issues of the time that it needed to show. It was allowed to do so unhindered by network censorship due to that same futuristic nature.

Another way in which it was influential is the technology itself. If we look at the crude technology portrayed in Galaxy Quest, such as communicators and tricorders, and then we look at society today, we will see resemblances. The cell phones of today are direct links to the communicators from the show. Medical scanners used in the most advanced hospitals today are highly reminiscent of the tricorders used. Scientists in Germany have invented the transparent aluminum that is talked about in the fourth Galaxy Quest movie. Who knows, perhaps some day we will see transporters as well.

It was a great show, and it changed our society.


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