Last week I answered some interview questions via email for a Japanese pop culture blog. Several other letterers were asked the same questions. I was asked if I could provide some WIP samples, and after Shoujo Editor 2 and Seraph Editor approved, I did! You can find the interview at the link below. It's a small world, because I know two of the
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Comments 8
(and also that page of Voice Over!! Sharing cat photos aaaaaahhhhhh~!!! *fangirls more*)
Some of the responses to the third question made me laugh and shake my head. (I asked for clarification about whether he meant biggest mistake or most unpleasant task or something else, but apparently a couple guilty souls read it as "confess your greatest sin as a letterer" :) )
One question about the last example of "Voice Over! Seiyu Academy unfinished to finished", it means the page on the right is not the end product, right?
The page on the right is the retouched version, ready for type to be added in InDesign. Since I know you can read Japanese, you probably noticed that some form of "Lovely Blazer" is going to go over the flowers and sparklies in the middle there. ^^ The page on the left is the WIP-version, a detail from the whole page sample above. In it, I made all the retouch layers invisible, leaving only the English FX, the white-out layer turned transparent, and the original Japanese page visible. (Though if you want to get technical, on the whole-page version you can see one retouch layer left visible in the top left corner at the top of the thought-burst.)
Wakatta? C:
So cool. I get it now. Thanks so much for the detailed reply. The lettering process is very interesting to me. In fact the whole producing manga in English (from licensing, translating .... to the end product) is fascinating. I know a lot of hard work going into it before I get a book to read.
"Since I know you can read Japanese ..."
Actually, I can't ... yet, trying to make time to learn ^^; I hope someday soon. Meanwhile, I can just enjoy the art ^^
I thought you gave some really good advice and feedback for anyone interested in doing what you do.
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