Nov 20, 2013 02:36
...I just have to share this.
Late last night when I went to sleep (or TBH, not very early Tuesday morning), I woke up after dozing off. Not much time had passed, because Kakashi was still curled up against my right-hand side with only his head above the blanket, like mine. (So very cute!) I don't know what woke me up, but as I blinked in the dim light that comes in through my windows at night, I saw a dark blob where there isn't supposed to be a dark blob.
I focused on it, wondering what it was, and saw a spider. I could clearly see it was a spider. I disctincly remmeber not wanting to disturb Kakashi, and wondering what I could do for a weapon. No shoes nearby, no stray papers within easy reach, my glass and mug far away on my to kill it.
I watched the spider for a bit, and noticed it was swaying gently in the air. It wasn't on the wall, it was doing the dangling-from-a-single-thread routine. I finally admitted defeat, and acknowledged that to kill the spider meant disturbing Kakashi. I flung back my covers, sat up, rolled out of bed, and found the fly swatter. I returned to bed and peered at the wall where I thought the spider should be, as I had apparently forgotten about the dangling-from-a-single-thread variable in my exhausted brain. No spider. I looked at the ceiling. No spider. I squinted at my bed clothes, no spider.
Through all of this, Kakashi hadn't moved. He was still curled up in his spot on the bed, watching me, completely unconcerned about any missing spider but fascinated by the fly swatter.
After about 30 seconds, I gave up on hunting. I figured if the spider reappeared, Kakashi would probably play with it to death, or just eat it. I placed the flyswatter right next to the bed where I could easily grab it, and crawled back into bed. Kakashi snuggled up, I wondered where the spider went, and drifted back to sleep.
Fast-forward to now, when while reflecting upon my hazy spidery encounter last night, I finally realized some interesting facts:
1. My eyesight isn't great. I have to wear glasses.
2. I could see the spider clearly.
Conclusion A: the spider was quite close to my face. Within 16 inches, I'd say.
3. I flung the covers back before I sat up.
4. Reference Conclusion A.
Conclusion B: I folded the spider into my bedcovers, specifically between the layers of my bedspread. And it being a quit of many colors and patterns, of course I couldn't spot a spider on it in the wee hours of the morning when I was half-asleep.
I have no idea where that spider went. I haven't seen it since, and I realized where the spider likely ended up long after the sun set tonight.
Meh. It won't eat much. And if it DOES return, I am now armed with my flyswatter. Heh.
Hi. I'm still here. Finishing up a 2nd work crunch with Voice vol 4, but it's not nearly as bad as it was at the end of the Summer of Hell, so there's that.