Aug 17, 2009 02:01
i have a mixture of feelings about tomorrow's trip to langkawi.
i feel mostly excited, but also worried about us, about me!
God i really pray for guidance at every minute, every second of everyday,
and also most importantly, our safety.
i'm so tired but have to wake up early tomorrow sigh.
i shall go bathe and sleep~~~
may this trip be awesome! :D
if you have 30 seconds to spare, include me in your prayers heheh xD
thank youuu~
i forgot to write that PIS team used the pens gillian made for them OMG.
i was so excited HAHA. yayyyy~~ it was so COOL.
gillian is alexander's type. no kidding.
"i want someone who can cook well..."
"i like someone who can bake nice cakes..."
remember me lol xD