Oct 25, 2005 22:29
I seriously miss my life so much. I never thought I would say it...but I miss high school. I miss waking up every morning complaining that I was tired and drinking my Fuze juice and Burdick telling me that I should eat low fat yogurt instead of fat free. I miss Mrs.Walker and her craziness and goofing off in everything I ever did. I miss dance SOOOOOO much. I miss all of my closest friends and sisters at the dance shoppe. You guys were my life and I just wanna cry when I don't get to talk to you all every day and know your life stories. I even miss Terri and Miss Lauren. I miss making people laugh on a daily basis. I just need to cry I think and everything will go back to normal. College is great and everything, but you can only party so much. The classes are hard and frustraing most of the time. The people here are fun, but not so much best friend material. I dunno it just kinda blows right now. I miss Emily soo much too. I will never find another person like her in my whole life that i am just so comfortable around all the time. I love you shakira! Okay I'm done now and I'll go back to acting like my life is perfect again like I always do.