Jan 11, 2007 21:32
well what have i done lately?...hmm well lets seee.......umm welll i went driving turned on gravel (that was on the road that's not supposd to be there) skidded almost went into a tree OVER corrected myself and hey! FLEW over a 4 foot ditch! woo.....
yea the car is litterally GONE sorta and apparently if i went just a little bit straighter i would have flipped it! yea go me! NOT
dad's backs bruised my shoulders are bruised (not that you can see) and i have a seat belt burn!
car would be a write off (find out tomorrow hopefully from insurance) and the thing is dad's semi pissed but not much.... he says i'm VERY lucky
and that i have to get back driving in a car ASAP...wooo
um other than going out with nel, pants and eve last sunday (which was hell fun) i've done nothing else wooo laze at home!
well there you go im a very boring person!