It's a pretty well known fact that, at this point, I only do my job because of the kids. on aday to day basis, before I go to sleep I ask whatever deity controls things I can't to bring cool people and attentive children my way while I travel. Sometimes the "big guy" flips me off and sends me Catholic Demon Children like I had today. But sometimes, sometimes, he/she/it smiles down on me and give me children who produce things like the following:
If you can't read the note via my pictures, it says something along the following:
Dear Mr. Eric,
Thank you for coming to ******** Elementary. We enjoyed learning a lot about science. We loved having fun! It was fun when you were calling on volunteers. We liked when you called on our teacher for a volunteer and hit Miss Stepaniak with a metal bat. It was funny when you froze the ball, threw it, and it busted. We hope you come back soon.
Your Friends:
Miss Stepaniak, Nancy, Emylee, Sarah, DJ, Julia G(a/d?)ge, Mitchel, AllIson, Dominick, Alexd, and Bailey with a backwards E.
Ah, so many freaking reasons to love this letter.
1.) it took them 3 ENORMOUS pages of funky orange permanent marker to write what could have been said on a postcard. Environment be damned, mwahaha
2.) Miss Stepaniak looked like Margaret Cho, and had about the same sense of humor
3.) Numerous subject/verb agreement problems that become secondary to excellent penmanship
4.) The fact that the kids f**king commended me for hitting their teacher with a baseball bat.
On Wednesday, I received the following card from second grader Meladi (WTF is with these new age spellings?)
Again, there are so many reasons to love this card. Did I enjoy this because she gave a VALENTINE's card to me on March 2nd? well... yes, but that's not all. I also enjoyed the subcocnious "fuck you" Meladi gave to Hallmark by putting no less than 11 hearts on this card. No my friends, what puts this card over the top is Meladi's spelling of "AM-AIR-ICA." That's right people, this 2nd grader has her priorities straight: Breathing comes before nationalism any day in my book.