Title: Slow Decay
Pairing: Brian/Zacky; slight Brian/Jimmy
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: Mentions of Jimmy's death, AU, violence
Summary: Sometimes it's a little more complex than Until death do we part.
Disclaimer: Fake. Not Real. What a Shame. Disclaimed.
A/N: I KNOW I'M TERRIBLE FORGIVE ME. I've been trying really hard to write this but the inspiration
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I feel so sorry for the poor Zack... But glad that Brian finally realized what that Zack is trying to help him. I loved the scene with the rain gently tapping on the windows and the two of them enjoying a nice moment :) But again ,the nightmare was... let's say, no for the faint-hearted. And the real wound... You just gave me the chills!
Can't wait to read more. And wow! You managed to write this much only on your iPhone? My fingers hurt every time i write a text :D I like the laptop more.
Great chapter! ^^
I've always loved writing sort of horrific scenes so I'm having probably more fun with those nightmares than I should be :| lol But I'm glad you're over all enjoying it!
I've had an iPod Touch and then an iPhone for around 2 or 3 years (I'm bad at keeping track of time) so I'm really used to writing on them. Plus I just turn it sideways, expands the keyboard and makes typing easier. Though it is still much easier and faster to type on a laptop lol.
Don't the passengers near you want to take a peak? I know I would if I saw someone typing as crazy on their phone :D
I think some of them do but the screen is too small to really get anything good from it. Plus I try to sit alone as often as I can xD
Yeah, I'm trying to sit alone most of the time. Luckily, I don't have to use a bus very often. I usually walk :)
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