a sordid affair?

Apr 21, 2009 16:36

As much as it's upset some people and created Drama around the interwebs, what Alex Day (Nerimon) has done to de-clutter his online world has some merit. I've said it before here, my life is in dire need of some de-cluttering. So today I followed suit and unsubscribed from some channels on youtube, mostly second channels and people I'm just not interested in anymore. My clear out has been nothing near as drastic as Alex's, I've reduced my subscription list to some 140 odd from almost 200...

I've also unfollowed some people on Twitter. Those bots, fake accounts and extra accounts who either spam or never update, a couple of celebrities I'm not interested in and a couple of people whose tweets haven't given me any indication of who they are or any motivation to keep following them. I waste so much time every day back reading tweets, it'll be nice to not have so many. This past week without easy internet access I've barely read anything on Twitter and I really don't miss it all that much but I know I'll feel that obligation again once I get home and back to normal life (I've also watched very few youtube videos for the past two or so weeks *gulp*).

Speaking of youtube... I think I shall take this opportunity to tell my sordid tale (I have too many sordid tales in my life, it's getting ridiculous). It's fairly safe to assume that I, like many of you, am relatively active in the youtube community. I used to make videos, I was Friday on a collab channel (never missed a week, only once uploaded a video late and that was by a minute after it had taken 12 hours to upload so it hardly counts, never got punished). But Then (there's always a But Then in sordid tales isn't there) a couple of things happened to change that. Firstly I was on the 365 Project, which gained me quite a few subscibers but had it's adverse affects. Someone from my old school, the school I graduated from a month before I started posting videos and that my sister still attends, stumbled across one of my videos.

As you can imagine, nothing good came of that. People at school were using my videos to bully my easily upset sister and a select number of people were making cruel, pointless and utterly unimaginative comments to me on Facebook. This upset my sister so much that eventually I was forced to take my videos down and stop making more, which meant leaving my collab channel.

It was not a particularly happy time and it's left me rather paranoid of everyone I went to school with save for my close friends. So much so that I hate seeing anyone I went to school with around uni and I always avoid them when I do. It has something to do with the fact that about a week before all of this Drama happened I'd run into one of the people who made horrible comments on Facebook at uni had had given her directions to the lecture she was late to. Of course nothing seemed out of the ordinary then, and a week later I was seeing idiotic but cruel comments directed at me from her. It really highlights how cruel and two faced some people can be and right about now there are very few people from my highschool I ever want to see again.

So that is the story... not terribly interesting, but it's my life nonetheless.
<3 Lucinda

de-clutter, beda, drama, youtube

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