This is the art I created for
johnlockbigbang "
For you I bleed myself dry".
Summary: Sherlock was born for the sole purpose of keeping Mycroft alive - Mycroft, who was suffering from leukemia. Sherlock was always kept under close supervision as a child. He was homeschooled and wasn't allowed out past the Holmes estate boundaries. As soon as little Sherlock is old enough, he begins donating tissue for various transplants that Mycroft needs. Mycroft is eventually cured and has been well for quite some time now, but Sherlock, as he continues to grow up, becomes increasingly resentful of his family and of Mycroft, whom he blames for everything that has happened to him. Sherlock eventually is able to flee the Holmes household, escaping as soon as his parents no longer have power over him by law, and he attends university and later meets Lestrade and begins his detective work. But he is still always, always alone. He is alone for so long and then suddenly he's not - he meets John and everything changes. John teaches him what it is to care and be cared for, to love and be loved. And Sherlock is, for the first time in his life, happy, really, really, stupidly happy.
Sherlock doesn't intend on telling John about the details of his childhood until Mycroft falls ill again and everything comes out as Sherlock's parents contact him directly for the first time in many, many years, begging him to save their son.
So, I got this image of wee!Sherlock staying inside the house all day, reading about everything. And here's that picture. I am sorry the colours are a bit messed up.