Hrmmm... I'm still sick, couching up blood and various icky things. I wear double layers of everything, including my giant scarf that's double my lenght. Hopefully, my etanol based medicin will work soon...
So yeah, I look pretty much like this; minus the cigarette.
Other than that, life's continuing. Earlier this year when Ace died I was a little depressed and my friends (who don't really understand what the deal with manga is) was all "Uhuu... He's a cartoon character." Now that I have finished Buffy, it became clear that they had been depressed when Spike died, ao I countered with that. Then, I remebered that it was Spike and became a little depressed too. Yay.
I only had one lesson in the morning today, but when I came home, I went to sleep some more, and I had such an awesome dream that I want to write it all down. I had the "Moulin Rouge"-sountrack, and it clearly affected me. the dream was set in a mix between Moulain Rouge itself and a circus (is guess it's a little like that already, but this was different.)
I switched between "being" Zoro and Sanji, and I don't even know what their relationship was because Zoro was living there, Sanji had been away studying in New York and came back with his girlfriend Nami. Then Sanji and Zoro kissed without Nami being bothered by it.
Then after some quite awesome fluff, Zoro said that he couldn't continue dating Sanji. He had become the first price in a competition of some sort and then Ziddler came and sung a new Moulin Rouge-song in the middle of the circus tent. Then I woke up and couldn't stop smiling for like ten minutes, still listening to the Moulin Rouge-soundtrack.
Ah, it was such an awesome dream! So many colours and the emotions and being a part of Zoro/Sanji! 8D
I wonder if I ever write this, if it will be as good as my dream. Probably not.
On a random note: Since I have watched Buffy so much, when I'm going to comment and add the strike feature, I want to write instead of .