1. Hello there, stranger, what's your aliases? (Common username, nicknames, etc)
Kurki, Cookie, Slowsunrise, Lion-tan, Sanji and Kaktus
2. That was some cool names... Care to tell me your real one?
Sara (without the h at the end! DDx)
3. That was also cool! Now show of your own awesome nicknaming skills. Who do you call what?
Greensan - Chopper, Choppey (-chan)
Sventastic - Sven
Dandywonderous - Dandy
Astridmyrna - Myrna or Astrid. I think. 8D
(There are more of you, but generally, I just shorten the username! 8D)
Linus - Pontus
Max - Idiot
Linnea - Nea, and more (some not suitible here, but she's my sister so it's okay.)
4. Okie, what do you think these people should know about you by now?
I write. Alot.
5. What do you think they don't know?
My dog's gay? 8D Uh, perhaps that I hold the record time of starting a fire at my scouts!
6. Random request time! Set your iTunes/Favorites on YouTube/any music player on Shuffle and then tell me the first five songs which starts to play!
1. Billy Joel - Piano Man
2. Pink Floyd - When the Tigers Broke Fre
3. Does Your Mother Know - ABBA
4. Citizen/Soldier - 3 Doors Down
5. Theory of a Deadman - Not Meant To Be
7. Now list five of your favorite pairings from any kind of fandom! (Manga/anime, games, you name it!)
1. Zoro/Sanji (One Piece)
2. Smoker/Ace (One Piece)
3. Luffy/Nami (One Piece)
(Other fandoms than One Piece? Oh...)
4. Roy/Riza (Fullmetal Alchemist)
5. Soike/Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
8. Check up on your Star Sign (the Western one) and tell me what characteristics people born in it is supposed to have that you have. (Did that make sense?)
Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant
9. What characteristics do you think don't fit you?
Uh, I'm only bossy around some people! But watch out for me at those times! Sure, I can be all this things, but not at once, and not around all people!
10: Pimping time! Link me to something you've done which you're really proud over! (Fanfiction, picture, AMW, website, just give me the goodies!)
greensan pimped her birthday gift, I'll counter with
The Sun's Dark Secret, my gift to her!
11. Here's six invitation cards, give them to six real persons you would like to have over at your place!
greensan , J.R.R Tolkien (no one said they couldn't be dead!), Roger Waters, Oda and Sofie.
12. And here's six ones to fictional persons~
Zoro (One Piece), Zorro (Legend of Zorro), Roy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) and Crowley (Good Omens)
13. Number 13, eh? Do you believe in such things as bad luck?
I don't, but Ithink it follows me
14. If you do, what do you have to protect yourself from it?
Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...
15. And I think that was about it. Now please tag some people you want to know more random things about!
astridmyrna ,
dandywonderous ,
poutergeist ,